Mat•thi•as Wjst /wiːst/

born 315 ppm (1958) in Karlsruhe, Germany.
Draisschule and Helmholtz Gymnasium Karlsruhe.
Photo lab assistant and nurse St Klinikum Karlsruhe.
Studied theology and medicine in Marburg and Göttingen.
Dr med (1986), Dr habil (2000) and professor (TUM, 2012).
physician (vH Kinderklinik), scientist (Helmholtz Munich).
Now: freelance photographer (imago Berlin) and consultant.
Lives: in Gröbenzell near Munich, married, 2 children.
Loves: cycling, travelling, reading.
Science: highlights. papers. orcid.
Online: images. blog. no social media.
Bytes: github. cycleplanner. PDF analysis. imagedup.
Featured by: Science. Deutschlandradio. SZ. SPIEGEL. 3SAT.
Legal: impressum. Do not follow this link
Email: m(AT)wjst(DOT)de